Time for yet another entry into my blog. Want to write about my training and some of my intermediate running goals.
Finally getting my weekly mileage up a bit. Last week was 40 miles, this week should be 40-45 miles. If you read my previous blog you know that I am entered into the Mother Road 100, which is a 100 mile ultra running event scheduled for November 11, 2006. I don't really have a specific training plan or schedule but I figure I need to get my mileage up. I recovered from my 25 mile run last Saturday without any problems and put 20 miles in on my bike the following Sunday. I feel like that may have helped my recovery. I took Monday off and have logged about 20 miles so far this week running, which includes a 7 mile hill workout. I took today off from running as I will try for another 25-30 mile training run tomorrow and wanted to rest up a bit. I will let you know how it goes.
Also, as part of my big picture training, a week after the Mother Road 100 I plan to run back to back marathons. The Oklahoma Marathon on November 18 and the Route 66 Marathon on November 19. Maybe a little aggressive, but will just have to see how well I come off of the Mother Road race. After that, I will keep training and on December 10 I will run the Las Vegas Marathon.
The only race I currently have scheduled that is prior to the Mother Road 100 is the Heartland 50 mile race up in Kansas in October. Our trail/ultra running club (www.tatur.org ) is putting on a 50k trail race in September in which I will either run in or volunteer. Since I am somewhat of a klutz, I hate to take my chances on a trail run just a month and a half from the Mother Road. Would hate to roll an ankle or fall and break, sprain, or otherwise injure something. Anyway, should be a great race so if you are looking for a trail race in September, check it out. There is also a 25k and a 10k.
My ultimate goal at this point, as mentioned in my first blog, is to run Badwater in 2007. I think that would be a fitting present for my 50th birthday! I will turn 50 on January 18 and must say that I am probably in the best physical condition I have ever been in. Perhaps an entire year of celebration would be in order. I will keep you informed of my plans and also keep you updated on my training.
Take care...
Ultra Okie,
Hi, Bad Ben here. I've talked with your fellow TATUR, Brian Hoover, recently. We will have a couple of us KC Train Nerds heading down to your September race.
I'll be 50 at the first part of next year, also. I'm getting in better shape to have a glorious UltraYear, next year.
Keep training hard and Happy Trails!
- Bad Ben
PS: Did you know that Tulsa spelled backwards is "A Slut?"
Hey Bad Ben.
Brian and many others have worked hard for our first club race. I am sure it was a good race. My wife ran the 25k and really enjoyed it. She is fairly new to running and she has made remarkable progress. I am really proud of her. I ended up staying up in Winfield, KS all weekend at a bluegrass festival. Little too much beer and partying got the best of me and I did not make it home in time. You would think by the time i was nearly 50 I might change my ways. Thinking about just going cold turkey and giving up the beer all together. Doesn't mesh with my training plans.
Hope you had a good time at the race. Will you be running the Heartland?
Bad Ben:
LOL-"A slut"!!
I didn't run the race, but some of our trailrunners were supposed to have gone down.
I'm going to be working an aid station at Heartland.
Bad Ben,
I will be at the Heartland. Going to run the 50M. Looking forward to meeting you.
Hey, good luck on your 100-miler coming up. I'll be watching. Please post a good report.
How did your Heartland go?
My friends Anita Fromm and Paul Grimm ran the 100.
Hey Jeffo,
I opted out of the Heartland due to work and time constraints. Was really looking forward to it, but it just didn't work out this year. After the Mother Road 100 I am running back to back marathons the following Saturday and Sunday if the old body will hold together!
After that, maybe the Rocky Raccoon 50m or 100m in Huntsville.
I will post a report after the Mother Road. Thanks for your interest.
Congrats on Mother Road! Eagerly looking forward to the report.
You rock, man!
Thanks Jeffo. It was a great experience and I also got to meet some great ultra runners including Catra. She is too cool.
I will get a full blown race report posted soon.
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