Friday, July 28, 2006

Time for yet another entry into my blog. Want to write about my training and some of my intermediate running goals.

Finally getting my weekly mileage up a bit. Last week was 40 miles, this week should be 40-45 miles. If you read my previous blog you know that I am entered into the Mother Road 100, which is a 100 mile ultra running event scheduled for November 11, 2006. I don't really have a specific training plan or schedule but I figure I need to get my mileage up. I recovered from my 25 mile run last Saturday without any problems and put 20 miles in on my bike the following Sunday. I feel like that may have helped my recovery. I took Monday off and have logged about 20 miles so far this week running, which includes a 7 mile hill workout. I took today off from running as I will try for another 25-30 mile training run tomorrow and wanted to rest up a bit. I will let you know how it goes.

Also, as part of my big picture training, a week after the Mother Road 100 I plan to run back to back marathons. The Oklahoma Marathon on November 18 and the Route 66 Marathon on November 19. Maybe a little aggressive, but will just have to see how well I come off of the Mother Road race. After that, I will keep training and on December 10 I will run the Las Vegas Marathon.

The only race I currently have scheduled that is prior to the Mother Road 100 is the Heartland 50 mile race up in Kansas in October. Our trail/ultra running club ( ) is putting on a 50k trail race in September in which I will either run in or volunteer. Since I am somewhat of a klutz, I hate to take my chances on a trail run just a month and a half from the Mother Road. Would hate to roll an ankle or fall and break, sprain, or otherwise injure something. Anyway, should be a great race so if you are looking for a trail race in September, check it out. There is also a 25k and a 10k.

My ultimate goal at this point, as mentioned in my first blog, is to run Badwater in 2007. I think that would be a fitting present for my 50th birthday! I will turn 50 on January 18 and must say that I am probably in the best physical condition I have ever been in. Perhaps an entire year of celebration would be in order. I will keep you informed of my plans and also keep you updated on my training.

Take care...


At 9:14 AM , Blogger Ben, aka BadBen said...

Ultra Okie,

Hi, Bad Ben here. I've talked with your fellow TATUR, Brian Hoover, recently. We will have a couple of us KC Train Nerds heading down to your September race.
I'll be 50 at the first part of next year, also. I'm getting in better shape to have a glorious UltraYear, next year.

Keep training hard and Happy Trails!

- Bad Ben
PS: Did you know that Tulsa spelled backwards is "A Slut?"

At 7:33 AM , Blogger Ultra Okie said...

Hey Bad Ben.

Brian and many others have worked hard for our first club race. I am sure it was a good race. My wife ran the 25k and really enjoyed it. She is fairly new to running and she has made remarkable progress. I am really proud of her. I ended up staying up in Winfield, KS all weekend at a bluegrass festival. Little too much beer and partying got the best of me and I did not make it home in time. You would think by the time i was nearly 50 I might change my ways. Thinking about just going cold turkey and giving up the beer all together. Doesn't mesh with my training plans.

Hope you had a good time at the race. Will you be running the Heartland?


At 7:34 AM , Blogger Ultra Okie said...

Bad Ben:

LOL-"A slut"!!

At 1:47 PM , Blogger Ben, aka BadBen said...

I didn't run the race, but some of our trailrunners were supposed to have gone down.
I'm going to be working an aid station at Heartland.

At 6:37 PM , Blogger Ultra Okie said...

Bad Ben,

I will be at the Heartland. Going to run the 50M. Looking forward to meeting you.


At 3:45 PM , Blogger JeffO said...

Hey, good luck on your 100-miler coming up. I'll be watching. Please post a good report.
How did your Heartland go?
My friends Anita Fromm and Paul Grimm ran the 100.

At 5:13 PM , Blogger Ultra Okie said...

Hey Jeffo,

I opted out of the Heartland due to work and time constraints. Was really looking forward to it, but it just didn't work out this year. After the Mother Road 100 I am running back to back marathons the following Saturday and Sunday if the old body will hold together!

After that, maybe the Rocky Raccoon 50m or 100m in Huntsville.

I will post a report after the Mother Road. Thanks for your interest.


At 7:21 AM , Blogger JeffO said...

Congrats on Mother Road! Eagerly looking forward to the report.
You rock, man!

At 7:35 AM , Blogger Ultra Okie said...

Thanks Jeffo. It was a great experience and I also got to meet some great ultra runners including Catra. She is too cool.

I will get a full blown race report posted soon.



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