The Mother Road 100....
I started and finished my first 100 mile ultra marathon: The Mother Road 100. It was an experience and personal accomplishment that I am sure will change my life. I don't know whether it was more physically or mentally demanding, but I got it done and am a changed person. I feel like I can conquer anything now.
My wonderful wife gave up her goal of running the Tulsa Run in order to crew for me and provide the much needed moral support and cheerleading. The highlight of the race for me was being able to have my her run the last eight miles to the finish line with me. She is awesome and I don't even know how to describe how much I love her.
I met some great people at this event: other runners, volunteers, aid station workers, other crew members, medical staff and of course Thomas Hill and Bret Scholar who dreamed up this crazy idea of running 100 miles on Route 66 to commemorate the 80th anniversery of the commissioning of the road.
I will write more later. Just wanted to get something up here to make sure I thank all those involved in this race and all those that helped me along the way.
I'm so proud of you!!! WOO HOO!!! You did it!
Thanks Catra,
You are the inspiration for me and so many others. Thanks a million.
Already planning my next 100!!
Dude! You did it! You are awesome! Been watching your blog. Hoping to do my 1st next August. Running 100 seems fictional, but seeing you succeed helps me beleive it's not crazy. I have to beleive I can do this.
The first one is the hardest.
thanks for stopping by again. The Morther Road was a great experience, if not life changing. I totally recommend it!
there is just something about finishing, knowing you just ran 100 miles and having the mental toughness and determination to get it done. Which 100 are you thinking about doing?
Good going, man!
Hi Steve, I found you via Catra's blog...WAY TO GO!!!
I am a newbie runner training for my first Marathon and BEYOND and stories like this are great for my Memory BANK...
Thanks and will be back to read the REST of your story
Hey Bob, That is funny as I was just looking over your blog as I saw a post from you on Catra's blog.
Good luck on your training. I am pretty new to ultra running but enjoy it more than going out and running a marathon. I think you will find there is an entirely different mindset to the folks that run ultras. The commoradarie is outstanding.
Thanks for stopping by. Good luck on the Vegan lifestyle. I have thought about that, but just like to have some fish or chicken every now and then. I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables anyway.
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