OK kids, I took a year off from any serious, or semi-serious, or remotely serious training. Now it is time to kick it into high gear as I have just registered for the Mother Road 100, Part 2 (MR2), scheduled for November 2008. This is a 100 mile ultra marathon on old Route 66 (yes, it is on pavement)in the western part of Oklahoma. I know that any of you who are ultra runners that might happen to read this probably prefer trails, but not me. I have tried the trails and everytime, without fail, no matter how much stretching, massaging, training I do, my ITB will get so sore I cannot run. About 8 or 9 months before the Mother Road 100 Part 1 (MR1) I attempted a 50 mile trail race. I made it about 30 miles and DNF'd becasue my ITB was so sore and inflamed that I wasn't able to run and barely managed to walk to the start line. I wasn't able to do any training for about 8 weeks afterwards. Needless to say, my training for MR2 will not include trail running. That is a real shame too, because I love the outdoors and the trails and hiking and camping. Just can't seem run the trails though.
I don't mind the pavement. I have never had an injury due to running on the pavement. Have had some close encounters with cars, dogs, bicycles as we all have, but have never had an accident or injury. (I am knocking on wood as I write this).
Over the past year I have gained about 20 pounds and lost a lot of the fitness I had acheived. I am confident I can get back to an appropriate level of fitness to complete the MR2.
I will share my training journey with anyone that cares to read about it. For those of you who don't run, or don't think they can complete an ultra marathon, here is my background:
I am a CPA, an accountant in Tulsa, OK. I am 50 years old, soon to be 51. I sit at my desk all day. I was not an athlete in high school or college. IN fact, I had a triple major in college: studyhall, pool hall and alcohol. I didn't take up running until about 5 years ago, and since then it has been pretty inconsistent. I am a bottom tier finisher, but I am a finisher! Ultra marathoning is as much about mental toughness as it is physical toughness. I am no expert, and actually know very little about the sport of running. I do know that the Ultra Running community is encouraging, compassionate, friendly, supportive, and a bunch of other adjectives (or is it adverbs?). I guess my point is if you want to run an ultra marathon, or marathon, just find a goal race and start training to get it done. Check out the local running stores and clubs and I promise you will find good people, at all ages and skill levels that will help you reach your goals.
Happy training!